The Milk Council was happy to hear about the recent findings from a study they sponsored, which was conducted at the University of Texas. It turns...

The Milk Council was happy to hear about the recent findings from a study they sponsored, which was conducted at the University of Texas. It turns...
As beautiful as summertime is, it’s easy to understand why it can also present some challenges to being able to keep your family active. Summer is a...
The summer 2022 fitness trend has hit TikTok and it’s all about the hot girl walk. It might not sound like much, but it actually has the potential...
Keeping in shape is critically important. Most of us focus on keeping our legs, arms, and core healthy and fit, but there is one key area we always seem to forget to work on–our back. Our back needs just as much exercise and attention as the other parts of our bodies do. A number of different exercises strengthen our backs, but the following two workouts are the best exercises to show the quickest results when you want to strengthen your back.
The last couple of years have been terrible for our activity level, making many of us wonder how to start exercising again after having lost so much ground. Overall, the key is to just get started and have the long game in mind. That said, that’s quite a general statement. If you’re looking for more specific guidance, then keep reading. We’ve got you covered.
‘Tis the season for parties, cocktails, desserts and huge heavy meals. If you want to stay on top of your weight loss or even just maintain your current weight, you’re going to need to have a Christmas fitness plan.
Can a pre-workout beverage really make that much of a difference to your performance and results? Does the specific choice of drink really change much? Is a cup of coffee, for example, better than a glass of water? What about all those products being sold at the gym?
Exercise in hot weather can become a tricky affair. Whether you’re used to heading out for a brisk walk, a run, a game of basketball in the driveway or even a round of golf, summer weather can make things challenging.
It’s that time of year again — bathing suit season is nearly upon us! Though you probably haven’t been thinking of it all winter long, it’s time to start transforming that body to get ready for summer. As spring is upon us there is no better time to work out, eat right, and change your body.
If you have tried CrossFit workouts, then you know firsthand just how truly effective they can be. Even if you haven’t, and you are interested but feel...
Finding the best face masks for working out can make a world of difference when you live in an area where gyms require everyone to wear one the whole time....