There are a lot of so-called health foods out there, but not all of them actually perform like they claim. So whenever you go grocery shopping, it’s important to know about the worst “health” foods that you shouldn’t fall for and waste your money on.
Trail Mix
A lot of people tend to think that trail mixes are great for staying energized throughout the day, especially if you want to avoid unhealthy snacks. But it turns out that trail mix is one of the worst “health” foods. This is because dried fruits and nuts can be loaded with sugars and salt. Make your own trail mix with fresh, unsalted, organic nuts and organic dried cranberries without any added sugars. Otherwise, you risk ingesting upwards of 300 calories from just a small handful of your typical store-bought trail mix.
Gluten Free Foods
There’s a big trend in the gluten free “healthy” food market, but the truth is that these foods could actually do more harm than good. Oftentimes, gluten free foods are actually full of unwanted ingredients like alternative starches, corn syrup, and sugar. If you think that gluten is making you feel unwell, try switching to organic wheat products and see if you feel a difference.
Fish might sound like a health food, but it really isn’t. Most of the seafood out there is now contaminated with heavy metals and other pollutants, so it’s unsafe to eat. Farmed fish can also be raised in dirty conditions, and there are even some fish on the market, such as salmon, that are genetically modified. There are other foods from which you can derive healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, avoiding eating fish will help prevent overfishing and the depletion of vital fish stocks from the oceans.
Agave Nectar
A lot of consumers think that agave nectar is a healthier form of sugar, especially when compared to high fructose corn syrup. But the truth is that the agave syrup that you buy in stores is devoid of nutrients and might even be up to 90% fructose. It really isn’t any better than high fructose corn syrup after all.
Avoiding the worst “health” foods while shopping for the products that will help you maintain a healthy weight is important. Remember that you can also take a product like 3G Burn to lose excess pounds while burning more fat and calories if you’re trying to slim down.