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Pokemon Go is Making People More Active in Record Numbers

by | Jul 28, 2016 | Exercise & Fitness | 0 comments

If you’ve been following the news and visiting social media, you’ve likely heard of the hit game Pokemon Go. But in addition to getting kids and Pokemon fans excited about having a new game to play, this clever game is also making people more active in record numbers.

How It Works
Pokemon Go is making people more active, despite being a digital game that’s played on a smartphone, because it requires that players go outside and walk around in search of Pokemon characters that they can catch. And it turns out that, since the game was released to the public, people are walking more and getting more steps in every day.

What the Research Says
According to Jawbone, which is an activity tracker company, people who use the UP band and stated that they were playing Pokemon Go actually walked an average of 62.5% additional steps. This was just in the weekend during which the game was released. In other words, users were a lot more active that single weekend than they were on an average weekend before Pokemon Go motivated them to get outside.

More specifically, those who mentioned Pokemon Go in the UP band’s app comments also averaged around 6,590 steps on the weekend of June 4, 2016. There have also been similar reports for the weekends following the release of the game as well, proving that Pokemon Go is making people more active.

Spending More Time Outside
According to social media posts, such as the ones that you’ll find on Twitter, Pokemon Go is making people more active because they are now more motivated to head outside, especially since it is summertime and the weather is comfortable enough to be in the great outdoors for extended periods of time.

Instead of staying inside playing video games on their computers or on their gaming consoles, kids and adults alike who really like Pokemon are making it a point to grab their device and get outside.

This is good news for those who find it difficult to find the motivation to head outside and go for walks, especially since you will be getting exercise without even realizing it because you will be focused more on simply playing the game.

If you’ve been hearing a lot about Pokemon Go and you’re thinking about giving it a try, go for it. It could be just what you need to get some extra exercise, especially while taking an energizing weight loss product like FenFast 375.

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