The Connection Between Sleep and Healthy Weight

The Connection Between Sleep and Healthy Weight

It’s more than likely something that you overlooked and yet the connection between sleep and healthy weight is so very real. Though this is not a connection that many of us tend to make, it’s essential as part of a healthy lifestyle. We know how we feel when a good...
If You Want to Lose Weight, Sleep More

If You Want to Lose Weight, Sleep More

When it comes to weight loss, most people will tell you that diet and exercise play an important role, but the importance of the link between regular, restful sleep and weight loss is often overlooked. The team behind a recent study is hoping that this will no longer...
How a Lack of Sleep Makes You Hungry

How a Lack of Sleep Makes You Hungry

You know how awful you feel when you haven’t had enough sleep the night before. You are dragging, you’re sluggish, and you just lack any energy overall. You may find that you are having a hard time even concentrating, and therefore it feels as if your entire day is...