High-Glycemic Foods Raise Diabetes Risk

High-Glycemic Foods Raise Diabetes Risk

You hear more about them these days than almost anything else, so high-glycemic foods are something to really pay attention to. Not only are these bad for your overall health but they can also contribute to weight gain and many other issues. If you have ever felt that...
Great Foods to Fill You Up While Dieting

Great Foods to Fill You Up While Dieting

Name your three top complaints about dieting. The odds are that if it wasn’t the first one, then one of the top three was that you are hungry all the time or too often. This doesn’t always have to be the case. Although the majority of diets will require you to have to...
What You Can Expect to See on New Food Labels

What You Can Expect to See on New Food Labels

You may have heard a lot about the new food labels that are coming out. Just as there were changes in the past that helped us to become more-educated consumers, the trend toward more information, and more accurate information, continues. If you thought that you knew...
How to Prevent Malnutrition During Pregnancy

How to Prevent Malnutrition During Pregnancy

As an expectant mother, you have probably heard a lot of horror stories. Though everybody is different, one thing is for certain: your baby is going to need a lot of nutrients to survive and thrive. In the meantime, you are still going to have to make sure that your...