How Much Water Should You Drink to Stay Healthy?

How Much Water Should You Drink to Stay Healthy?

We are all quite aware that water makes up for more than 60% of the human body. So, imagine all that could go wrong if the percentage wasn’t kept up? Surely, a person would start to experience problems. Water is what keeps the body functioning and it helps the body to...
How to Eat Bread and Still Lose Weight

How to Eat Bread and Still Lose Weight

These days, it can feel like we’re constantly being told that if we want to lose weight, then eating bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and other carbs is simply out of the question. This can be a depressing and frustrating concept, as it implies that if we want to be able...
The Top 8 Most Addictive Foods

The Top 8 Most Addictive Foods

Remember the times when you harbored such a strong hankering for French fries, soda, chips, pizza, or chocolates in the middle of the night, only to lie in sheer remorse the morning after? Indeed, there are some guilty pleasures we can’t get enough of! However, it is...
The Benefits and Drawbacks of the 20/20 Diet

The Benefits and Drawbacks of the 20/20 Diet

There is no dearth of diet plans on the market. You only have to perform a simple Google search and you will come across dozens of options. The 20/20 diet has been creating a lot of buzz. The diet plan, which spans 30 days, is divided into three phases, where you have...
The Benefits of Fermented Soy

The Benefits of Fermented Soy

Many of the benefits of fermented soy have been known in Asia for hundreds – if not thousands – of years as it is quite common in many of the diets from that region. Products such as tempeh, miso, soy sauce, fermented soymilk, natto and fermented tofu are often seen...