Do Late Night Snacks Really Cause Weight Gain?

Do Late Night Snacks Really Cause Weight Gain?

It’s one of those bad habits that you are sure will never really hurt you, but late night snacks can cause some damage in the long term. Sure, a little bite to eat here and there doesn’t seem harmful, and likely that’s not the problem. Sometimes you can’t help but to...
The Connection Between Sleep and Healthy Weight

The Connection Between Sleep and Healthy Weight

It’s more than likely something that you overlooked and yet the connection between sleep and healthy weight is so very real. Though this is not a connection that many of us tend to make, it’s essential as part of a healthy lifestyle. We know how we feel when a good...
Sitting Disease: How You Can Reverse It

Sitting Disease: How You Can Reverse It

Sitting disease? Now you’ve heard everything. But did you know that the risk of a heart attack for those who sit all day is that of a smoker? Did you know that office employees polled said that they felt they would be more productive if they could get up more and even...