The 3 Most Common Weight Loss Myths

The 3 Most Common Weight Loss Myths

Weight loss myths are among the most common form of sabotage to dieters’ efforts to reach their goals.  After all, weight loss can be a very challenging undertaking, but this struggle is only worsened when you have been misled by a myth. There are hundreds of common...
Correct Your Metabolism Slowing Habits

Correct Your Metabolism Slowing Habits

Metabolism slowing habits throw a wrench in some of our best efforts.  We may work hard to drop the pounds, but it doesn’t mean we’ll get the outcomes we deserve.  Unfortunately, all too many of these habits include those we don’t even recognize as being damaging....
Understand How Your Body Stores Fat

Understand How Your Body Stores Fat

If you are alive today, then you have some fat in your body. In fact, having a healthy bit of fat on you is a good idea, especially if you are worried about your brain health or wish to maintain a shapely physique. However, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease...
Making Leptin Work For Your Weight Loss

Making Leptin Work For Your Weight Loss

Within the body, hormones regulate just about every function in some way or another. Just as the mood and the sex drive are affected by these natural chemicals, so is the appetite. Though this can cause quite a struggle for people who don’t understand the function of...