Ways to Expect Realistic Weight Loss Progress

Ways to Expect Realistic Weight Loss Progress

When we set out to lose weight, we get an idea in our minds for what realistic weight loss progress is. We sometimes set goals too high and often times we also set goals too low. The problem there is that what we believe to be appropriate may not be correct after all....
Do Late Night Snacks Really Cause Weight Gain?

Do Late Night Snacks Really Cause Weight Gain?

It’s one of those bad habits that you are sure will never really hurt you, but late night snacks can cause some damage in the long term. Sure, a little bite to eat here and there doesn’t seem harmful, and likely that’s not the problem. Sometimes you can’t help but to...
Can Stress Prevent Weight Loss?

Can Stress Prevent Weight Loss?

We all know that stress plays a major factor in our health and general well-being. But can stress prevent weight loss? The answer is “yes,” and stress is certainly an issue in several ways. It will prevent weight loss on a chemical, emotional, and psychological level....