Do people really know how appetite suppressants work? Well, most will just tell you that appetite suppressants only kill your appetite, but there is more to it than that. In any case, here we will cover what they are and how we use them. We will also let you in on a crucial secret, and the mistake that most people make, so that you don’t sabotage your own efforts. You can use appetite suppressants to your advantage.
What are appetite suppressants?
Appetite suppressants are a combination of drugs that are used to stimulate certain hormonal triggers so that your brain actually thinks you are full. It is generally your uptake of serotonin and other feel-good hormones. The technical name for this drug group is anorectic from the Greek word for “without appetite”.
The noranderactic drugs are the suppressants you take just prior to eating a meal that will make you eat less by cutting your appetite in half. They basically trigger the adrenaline glands that secrete hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. These are the fight-or-flight hormones that will also help to stop the message to the brain that you are hungry. Now when you see a prescription diet pill with “phed-” or “phen-” in the name, you know it is at least in part an appetite suppressant. This is because they are more closely related to amphetamines.
Appetite suppressants and anti depressants
There is a link between these two. They are serotonin uptake inhibitors and will act as both an appetite suppressant and an anti depressant. This takes the need away to overeat to fulfill certain emotional needs, so they are great to counteract emotional eating.
Drawbacks to appetite suppressants
The only drawback is that this is a very fickle process. Many people sabotage their diets by thinking that they can stay on these drugs long-term, but what happens is that you peak out as you lose weight. The human body is a great machine, and when you go ahead and interfere with its processes—especially the hormones that run our systems—then you are going to have to be ready to have your body compensate and bring it all back to normal. Therefore, taking appetite suppressants is not a complete and end-all solution to weight loss.
What are the best diet pills to support your weight loss strategy?
Prescription appetite suppressants are all well and good when they are properly used as a part of an obesity treatment. However, when they aren’t appropriate for you, then the best diet pills to support your weight loss strategy are non-prescription supplements. The right ones will have the correct benefits and other characteristics to help you to get the most out of your weight loss strategy with the fewest challenges standing in your way.
Narrowing down your choices
When you decide that non-prescription diet pills are for you, you’ve only taken the first step. The next one is to find the product you will want to take. This involves narrowing down your choices from thousands of different possibilities that you’ll find online or in health stores.
This can seem daunting, so it’s best to begin by looking for supplement manufacturers that are established and that have good reputations.
Next, make sure you are choosing products that have the following as a bare minimum:
- A formula based exclusively on clinically researched ingredients
- A manufacturer with a solid reputation
- Several positive reviews from customers across several different places that sell the product, not just the company’s own website
- Customer support at least via email/online form and over the phone
- Manufacturing done in the United States
Choosing the Right Benefits
From there, you can choose the best diet pills to suit the weight loss strategy you plan to follow. That way, when you take the pills, you’ll know you’re reducing the barriers you’ll be facing between where you are now and reaching your goal.
Some of the best diet pill benefits include:
- Energy boosting – Many people find that fatigue is the main issue standing in their way. It stops them from being motivated to cook or eat right. It makes them feel too sluggish to do their workouts. When they do get up and exercise, they don’t put everything they have into their performance. They simply feel too tired. Extra energy can help to provide an advantage in all those areas.
- Focus enhancement – When you live a busy life and you’re feeling scattered, it’s hard to make sure you’ll keep up with lifestyle changes and smart food choices. With sharpened alertness and enhanced focus, it’s easier to keep your eyes on your goal so you can keep moving toward it.
- Healthy metabolism support – Even when you do make food choices based on your eating plan and when you do your workouts most days, if your metabolism is sluggish, you won’t be burning calories and fats as fast as possible. By giving your healthy metabolism proper support, that efficiency will give you the confidence to know that each step you take in the name of your goal achievement will be making as much of a difference as possible.